
Buy an NFT to join this exclusive travel club

Buy an NFT to join this exclusive travel club

Tiger Being claims to be the first in Asia to launch a private travel club membership where those who buy the company’s NFTs can unlock exclusive travel experiences curated by the company. The Hong Kong-based company has created a collection of 4,096 NFTs which will...

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亞洲首個旅遊生活體驗NFT會籍香港團隊創旅遊老虎TIGER BEING

亞洲首個旅遊生活體驗NFT會籍香港團隊創旅遊老虎TIGER BEING

疫情下繼續追夢探索 香港2022年3月18日 /美通社/ -- 縱然疫情下各地實施入境限制,跨境旅遊未見曙光,但大家對旅遊的渴望仍然強烈。由香港團隊創立、為熱愛旅遊及生活人士創立的TIGER BEING,為亞洲首個去中心化的私人會所會籍NFT,將透過與酒店、航空公司及私人遊艇等伙伴合作,為會員提供一系列獨家尊享體驗,結合虛擬與現實,分享旅遊喜悅再無疆界限制。 獨家尊屬體驗,會員福利發放「旅費」 TIGER...

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